GURUDWARA SHRI GURU KA LAHORE is situated in the village Basantpur in Billaspur Distt. of Himachal Pardesh. Its situated on the border of Himachal Pardesh only 12 km from Shri Anandpur Sahib. Bhai Hari Jas ji father of SHRI MATA JITO JI came to Chak Nanaki ( Shri Anandpur Sahib) for getting Marriage fixed up with SHRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI (Engagemenimet had already been done during the life time of SHRI GURU TEG BAHADUR JI) But the elders didn't agreed on barats going to lahore. So SHRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI proposed that we shall create lahore here and MATA JITO JI's family may come here and marriage ceremonys may take place. later a little lahore was setup which exactly resembled to the nine Bazaars of lahore in village Basantnagar. And finally GURU SAHIBS marriage was performed here.
1) Gurdwara Anand Karaj Sthan Patshahi Dasvin - represents the spot where the marriage was performed. Its present building, a square hall with the domed sanctum over its middle, was constructed by Sant Seva Singh Anandgarhwale during the 1960s.
2) Gurdwara Triveni Sahib - enclosing a spring formerly called Karpa (lit. spear) Baoli was created, according to popular legend, by the Guru with a blow of his spear. It is a domed square hall with a pavilion over the spring in front of the hall.
3) Gurdwara Paur Sahib - a small domed room with a verandah in front, near another spring is also based on a legend similar to the one related to Triveni Sahib. In this case the spring is said to have been caused by the Guru's horse stamping its paur (hoof).
Gurdwara Sehra Sahib - One kilometer south of Guru ka Lahore in Bilaspur is located at the spot where Guru Gobind Singh halted for a short time on his way to his marriage at Guru ka Lahore. According to tradition the Guru donned his sehra (bridegroom's floral headband) here.